Memorial Park QR Code Project
Memorial Park was established on 4th April 1945 on land donated by the Hickman and Johnson families in memory of their sons who died in World War II. The mandate was given to keep it "as natural as possible, with indigenous trees and freedom of movement".
By the early 2000's the park was severely infested with invasive alien species, the wetlands had dried up and the two streams reduced to trickles. In 2005 the Kloof Conservancy initiated a project to rehabilitate the park and restore the wetlands and the indigenous vegetation. This project was completed in 2013 and today the Kloof Conservancy still maintains an involvement and supports the eThekwini Parks Department to keep the park to the original mandate as defined by the donors in 1945.
The Memorial Park QR Code project aims to provide information on some of the interesting tree and animal species found in the park.
A QR Code is a barcode that can be scanned using the camera and an app on your smartphone.
Map of QR Codes
List of QR Codes
Broad Bordered Grass Yellow
Inverterbrate (Eurema brigitta brigitta)Common Coral Tree
Flora (Erythrina lysistemon)Flatcrown Albizia
Flora (Albizia adianthifolia )Grassland Biome
Biome (none)Hamerkop
Bird (Scopus umbretta)Large Spotted Genet
Mammal (Genetta tigrina)Mitzeeri
Flora (Bridelia micrantha)Natal Tree Frog
Amphibian (Leptopelis natalensis)Slender Mongoose
Mammal (Galerella sanguinea)Small Knobwood
Flora (Zanthoxylum capense)Thick-billed Weaver
Bird (Amblyospiza albifrons)Trumpeter Hornbill
Bird (Bycanistes bucinator )Waterberry
Flora (Syzygium cordatum)White Stinkwood
Flora (Celtis africana)Woolly-necked Stork
Bird (Ciconia episcopus)