
Millettia grandis


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At a Glance
SA Tree Number227
Conservation StatusLeast Concern


A semi deciduous tree up to 25 m tall with a spreading crown in good conditions, but much smaller in shallow soils. Bark is smooth and grey brown on younger branches, flaky when older. Compound leaves have 3-7 pairs of opposite, lance-shaped leaflets and are up to 250 mm long overall; glossy dark green or blue green on top with fine silky hairs on the underside.


These trees are found in coastal regions of KwaZulu-Natal (apart from Maputaland) and the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. They are said to be most common in the Pondoland area of the Eastern Cape. They grow in forests and on forest margins.

Flower - Fruit

The attractive flowers which occur in summer are pea-shaped, mauve to purple and held in an upright inflorescence on the ends of the branches. They emerge from rusty brown buds which are formed in spring.

The fruits are flat, woody pods covered with a thick layer of golden brown hairs, held erect, splitting when dry to release flat, oblong seeds; valves spiralling when dry.


Umzimbeet's hard wood with its attractive coloration is valued for the manufacture of furniture and small domestic implements.

Today it is used for making tough, bicoloured walking sticks which are sold to tourists.

It can also be used as a windbreak and harvested at 10-15 years for planks in high rainfall areas. It also makes an attractive garden and street tree and it does not have an aggressive root system.

Local Information

Not as common as it should be!

Interesting Facts

Millettia is named after Charles Millet of Canton, China (circa 1830) and grandis means large.


Sappi Tree Spotting KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.

isiZulu translation: Sibusiso Chamane


Millettia grandis


Izikhathi zonyakaSilahla amaqabunga ebusika
SA Tree Number227
Conservation IsimoLincane


Isihlahla esilahla amaqabunga ebusika sifinyelela ku, 25m ubude sinomqhele osabalele ezimweni ezinhle, kodwa kancane lapho umhlabathi ungashoni. Amaxolo ashelelayo ampunga ngokunsundu emagatsheni amancane, linokulephuka uma selilidala. Ingxube yamaqabunga sina 3-7 wamaphahla abhekene, chambusa elime njengekhasana kanti lifika ku 250mm ubude bonke, licwebezela ngokuluhlaza ngokufiphele noma okuluhlaza ngokusibhakabhaka phezulu noboya obucoleke ngokuchochombile endaweni engaphansi.


Lezihlahla zitholakala kuzingxenye nogu we-KwaZulu-Natal (ngokwahluka kwi-Maputaland) kanye nase-Eastern Cape Province eNingizimu Afrika. Bathi zitholakala kakhulu endaweni yase-Pondoland ne-Eastern Cape. Zikhula emahlathini kanye nasosebeni lwehlathi.

Izimbali/ Nezithelo

Izimbali ezihehayo zivela ehlobo eyimbumba, inyaluthi kuya kubunsomi kanti zilenga phezulu ziqhakaze ekupheleni kwamagatsha. Ziphuma kusuka kumaklume agqwalile ngokunsundu akheke entwasahlobo.

Izithelo zizicaba, umdumba osamuthi ombozwe umqingo woboya obunsundu ngokusagolide, kume kwathi thwi, ahlukanayo uma esomile abe zicaba, zinhlamvu ezingumhubhe, izivalwane ezithandelayo uma sesomile.


Umsimbithwa isihlahla esilukhuni esimubala okhangayo esinobugugu ekwenzeni impahla yasendlini kanye futhi nokwenza izinto zasekhaya.

Namuhla sisetshenziswa ukwakha izinduku ezimibala zokudondolozela ezidayiselwa izivakashi.

Singabuye sisebenze njengesibhaco futhi njengesivuno kwiminyaka eyi, 10-15 kumapulangwe ezindaweni ezinezinga eliphezulu lemvula. Sibuye sibe sihlahla esikhangayo emgaqweni nasezingadini. Futhi asilona uhlobo lwgsihlahla esingzimpande ezihlaselayo.

Ulwazi Lwendawo

Asivamile ngokufanelekile.


Millettia ibizo emva kuka, Charles Millet of Canton, China (circa 1830) kanye negrandis okuchaza ubukhulu.


Sappi Tree Spotting KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.

isiZulu translation: Sibusiso Chamane